Thursday, March 10, 2011

Speaking of Florida Gators...

Okay, this one is for you Kim. This is the alligator we saw in the pond at the apartment complex where my sister lives. Just taking a stroll around the complex and there he was. He was only about four feet long, but "momma" had to be around somewhere. That was a bit scary.

I remember back in the 1980's when I learned to water ski. We were having a house built at the time so my dear boss, Mrs. H let us live at her cottage while we were basically "homeless". Her place was on Lake Dora and on the weekends there were plenty of boats and skiers. We would often have lots of company there on the weekends to swim and go boating. Her sons, Tim and Tom would bring a boat up and they taught me to ski. I was petrified because there were so many gators in that lake. As I was skiing and praying I wouldn't fall near a gator, that is exactly what happened when I crashed into the water. Looked up and there he was very close to me. Most of the gators are just as afraid of humans as we are of them and thankfully would just swim away. There were many days when there would be a gator or two laying on the beach by our dock. For some strange reason it didn't seem to register that we shouldn't be in the water with them. Greg and Chris and many of my younger co-workers would jump off the dock into the water and the gators would just swim up into the weeds. Never in a million years would I allow that now. I guess in my younger days I wasn't too smart!

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